Thursday, December 13, 2007

Energy Drink Assignment

1. Start with a new Photoshop Document
Image size is 7.875” x 6” (horizontal), Resolution is 200

2. You must think creatively to come up with:
a. Original Drink Name
b. Original Company Name
c. Who is the target audience? (example: business men in their 30’s)_

3. Your Logo:
i. The font reflects the kind of drink
ii. The colors reflect the kind of drink

4. Product description (flavor, caffeine, diet, etc.)

5. Include other product description (how many oz., ingredignts, warning label…cans, etc.)

6. The completed design shows unity and is interesting to look at.

7. It is saved as a JPEG and turned in:
Graphics/ Conger Graphics/ Graphic Communication/ Energy Drink

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