Tuesday, January 15, 2008


One of the objectives of the Poster Project is for students to complete a project thinking like a graphic designer. Designers must be concerned that their work is all original- Pepsi can't legally copy Coke's ad campaign and put their name on it. Read here about Copyright and Fair Use.

Your Poster assignment sheet states, "You may only use original artwork or public domain images!" So, on this assignment you CANNOT just use any image you find on the internet. You may use images that are public domain - ones that nobody can own or sell. Flickr also has images that operate under the Creative Commons License. Additionally, you may use a digital camera or draw images in Photoshop.

(Watch this video about Creative Commons if you missed it in class.)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Poster Assignment

Poster Worksheet

The Role of the Poster:

The basic difference between the poster and other advertising media is that the poster speaks to the audience “on the move.” Newspaper ads, magazine ads, and mailing pieces such as folders brochures and booklets are designed for the reader who has time to stand or sit and read for a while. On the other hand, the poster must capture the attention and get the message across in a matter of seconds. It must spark the reader to take the desired action through a brief message packed with punch or veiled in subtlety.

Posters can be used:

a) To promote a service, sport or club.
b) To develop an attitude.
c) To convince someone to take action.

To start, lets find some posters to look at as exemplars.
Look at posters at http://www.northlandposter.com or do your own search. Find a couple you like. Put your name in their title and place in the Graphics Folder/ Posters.

Objective: In this assignment you will design a poster to communicate a message to your fellow Edison students. You want to give other students some advice about being successful in school.

Think of 3 ideas for posters. What advice do you want to give Edison students?



Then decide:
1. What are you trying to get your audience to do or believe?
2. What is your slogan?
3. Who (specifically!) is your audience? (examples: Freshmen.10th and 11th grade girls.)
4. What interests, words or styles appeal your target audience?

Sketch a plan of your poster. Include any writing in your sketch.
You poster must:
Show Rhythm or Movement.
Show Unity.
Be balanced.
You may only use original artwork or public domain images!
(see http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/cfimages.html)

Finally, make a new document in Photoshop. Start putting together your poster!
Width: 12 inches
Height: 18 inches
Resolution: 150

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Magazine Cover

  1. Decide what magazine you would like to design a cover for. Here are logos for different magazines you can use.
  2. With a partner, take photos of yourself for your magazine cover.
  3. Select the photo you will use and color correct it.
    • Image/ Adjustments/ Auto Levels
    • Image/ Adjustments/ Brightness Contrast
    • Image/ Adjustments/ Hue & Saturation
  4. Add in your magazine title/logo.
  5. Add in headlines for at least 3 featured articles.
  6. Make sure your cover looks balanced!
  7. Add a barcode and price for the magazine.
  8. Turn in in the Graphics Folder/ CongerGraphics/ Graphic Communication/ Magazine

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Energy Drink Assignment

1. Start with a new Photoshop Document
Image size is 7.875” x 6” (horizontal), Resolution is 200

2. You must think creatively to come up with:
a. Original Drink Name
b. Original Company Name
c. Who is the target audience? (example: business men in their 30’s)_

3. Your Logo:
i. The font reflects the kind of drink
ii. The colors reflect the kind of drink

4. Product description (flavor, caffeine, diet, etc.)

5. Include other product description (how many oz., ingredignts, warning label…cans, etc.)

6. The completed design shows unity and is interesting to look at.

7. It is saved as a JPEG and turned in:
Graphics/ Conger Graphics/ Graphic Communication/ Energy Drink

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Graphic Communication
Today you will analyze an artwork with a partner. Then you will finish your quote and turn in in the Graphics Folder.

Extra Credit:
Create one of the text effects on this page. The tutorial will take you though the process, step by step. Make sure the word you choose to do the effect on matches the style of the effect! Turn in a flattened copy of your result in the GraphicCommunicaiton/Extra Credit folder. No white backgrounds, please!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Graphic Communication
Today we took notes on Proportion, Balance and Emphasis.
Click on the image below to copy notes for these Principles.
Students worked on their quote for the rest of the hour

Friday, December 7, 2007

Graphic Communication
  1. Find a quote online. Include the person’s name who said it.
  2. Copy it into a Photoshop Document sized 10 inchex wide, 8 inches tall and resolution 150.
  3. Use Text Warp and Layer Styles to give your quote some cool effects.
  4. Add in a collage in the background. Use multiple pictures. Think about textures and colors that will go well with your message.
  5. Save your work as LastnameFirstnameQuote.
Also turn in your Famous People Collage:
Graphics Folder, CongerGraphics, Graphic Communication, Famous.

Web Graphics
You will watch some watch a episode of "It's Geek to Me" about making videos with camcorders. This is the link to the video
You may have to click next a couple times to get to Camcorders 1, 2, 3 & 4. Do the worksheet along with the video.